Song Lyrics

New Doxology

Verse 1
Praise God from Whom
All blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below,
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Verse 2
Let earth and heavenly saints
Proclaim the pow'r and might
Of His great Name.
Let us exalt on bended knee,
Praise God the Holy Trinity!

Chorus 1
Praise God, praise God,
Praise God Who saved my soul!
Praise God, praise God,
Praise God from Whom
All blessings flow.

Verse 3
Praise to the King,
His throne transcends.
His crown and Kingdom never end.
Now, and throughout eternity,
I'll praise the One
Who died for me!

Praise God from Whom
All blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


Have Mercy On Me

Verse 1
I am a sinner,
You're blameless, Lord.
My sins against You
Can't be ignored.

They will be punished;
I know they must.
Your law demands it
For You are just.

If You would count
Everything that I've done wrong,
Who could stand?
But there's forgiveness
with You, God!

Chorus 1
Have mercy on me,
Have mercy on me,
A broken and a contrite heart
You won't turn away.

Have mercy on me,
Have mercy on me,
Because of
Your steadfast love

Verse 2
Father of mercy,
You gave Your Son
To make atonement
For wrongs I have done.

What You required
Jesus fulfilled;
I don't deserve it
And I never will.

Because of your steadfast love.

Good And Gracious King

Verse 1
I approach the throne of glory,
Nothing in my hands I bring
But the promise of acceptance
From a good and gracious King.

Verse 2
I will give to You my burden
As You give to me Your strength
Come and fill me with Your Spirit
As I sing to You this praise

Chorus 1
You deserve the greater glory!
Overcome I lift my voice
To the King in need of nothing
Empty handed, I rejoice.

You deserve the greater glory!
Overcome with joy I sing,
By Your love I am accepted.
You're a good and gracious King!

Verse 3
O what grace
That You would see me
As Your child and as Your friend
Safe secure in You forever,
I pour out my praise again.

Holy, Holy Lord Almighty!
Good and Gracious!
Good and Gracious!

Holy, Holy Lord Almighty!
Good and Gracious King!

Chorus 2
You deserve the greater glory!
Overcome I lift my voice
To the King in need of nothing
Empty handed, I rejoice.

You deserve the greater glory!
Overcome with joy I sing,
By Your love I am accepted.

You're a good and gracious King!
You're a good and gracious King!
You're a good and gracious King!


Verse 1
Lord, forgive us for our pride
When our faith becomes a show
Dressed in righteous deeds to hide
All the stains below

We have judged
Your sons and daughters
For the sin that is our own
May we now forgive each other
And lay down our stones

Chorus 1
Forgiven, forgiven,
Through the blood of Christ
We are forgiven

Chorus 2
Forgiven, forgiven,
Through the blood of Christ
We are forgiven

Forgiven, forgiven,
Through the blood of Christ
We are forgiven

Verse 2
Lord, forgive us for our love
Of the things we wish to own
We forsake the feast above
For all the crumbs below

Though You've made us
sons and daughters
We do not the world disown
May we find our greatest treasure
Is in You alone

Verse 3
Lord, forgive us for our shame
When we can't release the past
When we're quick to take the blame
But forget we're free at last

We avoid Your sons and daughters
For the fear we don't belong
Give us eyes to see each other
Through Your only Son